Gambling Rehab Centre Malaysia

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Gambling rehab center malaysia

If you have a problem with gambling addiction, then it’s not just your finances that get hurt in the process. Relationships can break down, leading to feelings of isolation, guilt and anxiety. Many gamblers hope to win but expect to lose when they place their bets, and this is also true of their approach to life too. We can help you get off your losing streak. As soon as you begin your recovery, you start winning in life once more. Take your first step towards gambling addiction recovery with Step 1 Recovery.


Gambling Rehab Center Malaysia

The actual cause of your gambling addiction cannot be properly determined without sitting down and talking to someone. Compulsive gambling can be contributed to many issues such as stress which can be triggered by events such as uncertainty over your job or marital problems. Other possible reasons could be coping with a recent bereavement or the struggle to deal with other addictions such as drugs or alcohol.


Gambling addiction gets serious when you are betting using ridiculous amounts of money which can lead to severe financial problems, this can then contribute to mental health issues which in a lot of cases can lead people feeling suicidal.

If you are going through any of these problems, we strongly urge you to seek help and get in touch with our team as soon as possible.

Gambling Rehab Centre Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Professional treatment offers the tools and support necessary to overcome an addiction and live a gambling-free life. Gambling addiction has its own diagnostic criteria in the DSM-V, the manual used to diagnosis mental health disorders. According to the DSM-V, gambling addiction has a lifetime prevalence of 0.4%-1% among the general population. If you are worried that you or someone you know may be having problems with gambling, Alberta Health Services can help. Addiction treatment services are voluntary and confidential. Find support and resources on the Alberta Health Services website; Find a local mental health and addiction facility or call toll-free: 1-866-332-2322. Alcohol and drug rehab treatment options in Malaysia are extremely limited. Most appear to be government-run agencies that serve a lower economic class. As one article states, “The CCSC Cure and Care Service Centres, which is jointly-run by the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) and Yayasan Salam, offers help to people such as drug addicts.